Placenta Encapsulation and The Politics of Birth: Who Holds the Power in Birth?
As someone who has worked as a body-centered therapist and a doula for years, I am passionate about supporting people strengthen their connection to their innate wisdom and authority. This means connecting to our body and to nature itself. Our bodies hold an incredible amount of knowledge and strength, but it’s not easy to stay in touch with that in today’s mind and tech oriented world.
How can we trust our own body?
When it comes to birth, the current hospital systems assume control over a process that is natural. And we assume that the hospital and doctors will take personal care of us and so give ourselves over to that care. That handover of the placement of power to the authority of the medical system makes it hard to remember how to listen to our self, to trust our own body and instincts, and embrace the power within us. As a society, we’ve become disconnected from our innate wisdom. It is like we have forgotten that our bodies know how to grow a baby and give birth.
The statistics infer powerlessness. When I started working as a doula in 200, the women I was working with were hoping to avoid an epidural, these days many women are expecting a surgical birth and feeling unable to feel in control of their birth.
What can we chose?
One of the things I love about placenta encapsulation is that it is a choice you can claim. No matter what kind of birth you have, you can have your own recovery support provided by your own body. It’s a true reclamation of your personal power.
The placenta is a perfect example of how we already have what we need inside of us. During pregnancy and birth, our bodies create an incredible symphony of hormones, blood volume, iron, stem cells and more. The placenta holds all of that goodness, and it’s a powerhouse, providing essential functions for the baby and filtering nutrients and oxygen. It’s a true miracle!
Why do we experience a low after birth?
After birth, there’s a massive drop in these vital components, which can leave us feeling like crap (to put it lightly). You’ve probably heard about the “three-day blues” – that’s when we experience a huge drop in hormone support, including oxytocin, the love and bonding hormone. It doesn’t feel good, to say the least.
After giving birth, mothers want to be in a peak state of bliss and love and can often feel like these blues are some kind of failure, but it is simply a hormonal shift!
The incredible thing is, the placenta holds all those feel-good hormones, vitamins, and nutrients, like vitamin B12, B6, cortisol-reducing hormones, stem cells, oxytocin, and iron. If you could design the perfect postnatal support supplement, it would be the placenta! It’s ours, it’s from us, and we can take it back.
Here is the breakdown of the benefits of placenta encapsulation that correspond to the components in the placenta:
· Reduced postnatal depression: Iron, Vitamin B6 ,Thyroid Releasing Hormone (TRH), CRH and Cortisol
· Feeling great – Progesterone, Estrogens , Oxytocin
· Increased physical energy – Iron
· Increased Milk Supply – Human Lactogen Hormone
· Physical Recovery – Mesenchymal stem cells, Iron
Many women find themselves moved to tears when they receive their placenta package as it includes elements that connect them to the sacredness of their current experience. These include:
· Placenta Letter – A personalised letter with a photo of your remarkable placenta.
· Placenta Photo – A digital quality photo of your amazing placenta emailed to you.
· Placenta Print – An art-quality print of your placenta, giving you a unique keepsake and insight into its size and shape
· Your Umbilical Cord – Preserved and beautifully shaped to keep.
· Placenta Sac – A part of the placenta sac for you to keep or plant.
· Directions – Easy-to-follow instructions and ongoing phone or email support for any questions you may have.
· Colour Booklet – 10 Scientific Facts About Placenta Encapsulation including personal and scientific accounts of the benefits of placenta encapsulation for you to keep or share.
Consuming your own postnatal medicine by having your placenta encapsulated is empowering on so many levels. Claiming your innate wisdom, the freedom to choose for yourself and a beautiful personal connection to the power of the body and birth.