Avoid the baby blues, feel strong and be the happy mum you want to be.
General common questions
How long will my placenta capsules last?
Every placenta is different and is in proportion to the size of the baby. Most placentas yield approximately 150 – 200 capsules – approximately 3 months supply.
Every placenta is different and in proportion to the size of your baby.
What are the capsules made from?
I use vegetable capsules made from hypromellose (HPMC) cellulose, derived from trees. They are preservative-free, allergen-free, starch-free, gluten-free, Kosher and Halal Certified.
Is Placenta Encapsulation Safe?
Placenta encapsulation is safe if you don’t have a blood or uterine infection.
I sterilize all of my equipment after every placenta and use disposable materials where possible. I work in my own home, so it is important to me and my family that I ensure your safety.
Do I have to refrigerate my placenta?
It is important to keep your placenta cool. If you cannot access a fridge you can keep your placenta cool by placing ice into the container with your placenta. The placenta is very robust so it is safe to be in the room for up to 4 hours time before being put on ice or refrigeration.
How do I know my placenta is healthy?
Your placenta is part of the whole mother and baby unit. If you are well, your placenta is well. If you are unwell, you will know this before your baby arrives. It is extremely rare for a placenta to be unhealthy. If you have a blood-based infection like Hepatitis or a uterine infection it is not safe to encapsulate your placenta. When I receive your placenta I check that it is healthy.
Are there any negative side effects from taking placenta capsules?
In over eleven years, I have only had one mother report feeling a little nauseous after taking the capsules, she lessened her dose for a couple of days and felt fine from then on. Another woman found she also had to avoid taking her capsules in the afternoon as they gave her so much energy she found it hard to fall asleep! Research has shown very few women experience negative side effects.
How do you make sure my placenta is not mixed up with someone else’s?
This is of utmost important to me as well as you, therefore I only work with one placenta at a time.
What is a Tincture?
Tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts that are made using alcohol and chopped herbs, in this case placenta. The tincture is especially effective in drawing out the essential compounds of herbs. Since this method ensures that the herbs and their nutrients can be preserved for a long time, it is often mentioned in herbal books and remedies as a preferred way of using herbs. Find out more about Tinctures here.
What if I am unable to encapsulate my placenta, can I get a refund?
Is it ok to encapsulate my placenta if…
I am induced or have any drugs in labour?
It is still beneficial to encapsulate your placenta if you have had drugs in labour. this includes pain medication, induction medication, antibiotics or surgery.
I have a waterbirth?
Practice delayed cord clamping?
Delayed cord clamping is highly beneficial for your baby and does not impact placenta encapsulation at all. You can read more about this here.
I choose cord blood banking?
Cord blood collection also does not impact placenta encapsulation.
There has been meconium in the waters
Meconium is not harmful to your placenta. Even so, it is usually very superficial and can be removed during the process.
I have tested positive for Group B Strep?
Group Strep B does not impact your placenta and it is still ok to encapsulate.
It is sent to pathology for testing?
If your placenta goes to pathology it still may be encapsulated, talk to me about this at the time.
PLEASE NOTE. In the event it is suggested that your placenta go to pathology, I strongly recommend that you decline. I have never heard of anyone receiving any benefit or feedback from pathology and it can make your placenta unusable. If it does go to pathology, request that only small samples be taken so that you can have the remainder to encapsulate. It is important that your placenta doesn’t come into contact with any formaldehyde or preservatives. If your placenta does go to pathology it may still be ok to encapsulate so talk to me at the time.
I have pre-eclampsia?
Yes it is still safe to encapsulate if you have pre-eclampsia.
It has been frozen?
Yes I have encapsulated placentas that have been frozen for some time, it is still beneficial to encapsulate. In fact if you are not 100% decided on encapsulation it is a good idea to freeze your placenta so you have the option to decide to encapsulate at a later time.
I practice lotus birth?
Yes, you can have it all! delayed cord clamping, placenta encapsulation and lotus birth! You have to take extra care with the management of your placenta while it is till attached. Talk to me for more information about Lotus Birth.